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Business Brokers

Peckin ‘ Away (August)

By: Carl Grimes CBI Founder/Chairman

Seems like I spend hours every day on the phone. Sometimes the calls are mundane but every once in a while a ‘brain burp” comes and that happened today while visiting with a business owner in Conway. He was telling me about his business plan, which includes franchising his service.  

He said his company motto is, “Do the right thing.” That’s very reminiscent of what Lou Holtz’s motto was while coaching at the UofA. 

That motto sets an expectation for everyone in the organization, sort of the corporate moral compass. 

It made me think, what should our CBI Team motto be? 

We’ve long used the catch phrase, “Confidentially helping business sellers and buyers secure their financial future.”  

That’s true, but it’s a mouth full to say (and remember). 

So, here’s a shot an abbreviated motto for CBI, “Help people & make money.”  

The more people we help, the more money we make….I like that.  

What do you think? 


I was reminded how much CBI has helped folks recently while at the Gold Hallmark store in Bryant, Arkansas.  

While standing there to buy a card, I recalled that our CBI Central Arkansas office sold that Hallmark store along with three others just a couple of years ago.  

As I stood there and looked over the store, my eye fell on a display for The Resident Chef, a business we sold about 5 years ago to our former office manager and her husband, Kathy and Mark Janus.  

So, there were several lives that CBI helped change right there. 

That great feeling of helping people hit me in the face again when my wife Kathy and I were in Hot Springs recently and she was making a purchase at a neat boutique on Central Avenue. As usual, she was bantering with the folks behind the counter when one of them mentioned that her grandchildren were in dental practice in Northwest Arkansas. My ears perked up and I went over and asked her if her grandchildren had been named Stroope. 

Her ears perked up and it turned out that we had sold her granddaughter an orthodontic practice in Springdale and her grandson a Siloam Springs dental practice. 

Since there were grandkids involved, we made that grandmother’s life much better when we helped get her grandkids moved back to Arkansas from Colorado. 

So, yep, CBI helps people & makes money…. and that’s a good thing. 

Peckin’ away!